Efficiency, Quality and

We are experts on Naval and Industrial Repair, Maintenance
and Chemical and Ultrasonic Cleanings.

Efficiency, Quality and

We are experts on Naval and Industrial Repair, Maintenance
and Chemical and Ultrasonic Cleanings.

A company

We perform the work in the desired period and with the highest possible quality.

A great human team

We have a group of professionals with great experience in the sector.

Respect for the environment

We use less polluting techniques such as ultrasonic cleaning.


Tamega 2002 S.L. belongs to the naval and industrial sector. It was created in 2000 from the association of other two companies with over 25 years of experience, Gadinaval S.L and Sinaval S.L. The objective was to offer a quality service and improve the current offer.

We are experts on Naval and Industrial Repair, Maintenance, and Chemical and Ultrasonic Cleanings.

Our company’s philosophy is based on Efficiency, Quality and Sustainability.


During these twenty years of experience we have had the opportunity to work with the main industrial and naval companies.


We work for the major shipping and industrial companies. These are some of our customers:




Pol. Ind. Trocadero, Calle Francia s/n. Naves 6 y 12

11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz (España)


(+34) 956 47 40 47 – (+34) 607 54 71 06

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